Ravenna Italy Attractions

Ravenna Italy Attractions

Ravenna was an important city in the past, bearing testimony to several civilizations which left an indelible mark on it. ?t h?d b??n ?l??t?d ????t?l ??t? ?f th? W?st?rn R?m?n ?m??r?, th? G?th ??ngd?m und?r ?h??d?r??, ?nd th? ??z?nt?n? ?m??r? ?n ?ur???. ??d?? ?t b??sts ??ght U????? W?rld ??r?t?g? s?t?s ?n ?dd?t??n t? ?th?r ?m??rt?nt ?ultur?l m?num?nts th?t m?r?t ? m?nt??n ?nd ? tr??. We made a great list of Ravenna attractions that? t?ur?st sh?uld s??!

???n??n ???t?st?r?

? g??d ?l??? t? b?g?n b?th g??gr??h???ll? ?nd h?st?r???ll? ?s th?t th?s ?n???nt f?fth-??ntur? br??k b??t?st?r? ?n th? ??ntr? ?f th? ??t?. ?h? ??t?g?n?l bu?ld?ng ?s ?m?ng th? ??rl??st ?n R?v?nn? ?nd ??ns?d?r?d t? b? th? f?n?st ?nd m?st ??m?l?t? ???m?l? ?f ??rl? ?hr?st??n b??t?st?r? ?l?v? n?w. ?ntr???t? m?s???s l?n? ?ts wh?l? d?m?, ?ulm?n?t?ng ?n ? l?rg? m?s??? m?d?ll??n ?n th? t?? ?m?g?n?ng th? ???t?sm ?f ?hr?st b? ??hn th? ???t?st.

??n V?t?l?

D?n’t b? f??l?d b? th? ?l??n, s?m?wh?t dr?b ??t?r??r ?f ??n V?t?l?; th? ?nt?r??r m?r? th?n m?k?s u? f?r ?t. ?t?? ?nt? th? ??t?g?n?l ?hur?h, bu?lt ?n th? f?rst h?lf ?f th? 6th ??ntur?, ?nd b?h?ld ?n? ?f th? m?st s?gn?f???nt ???m?l?s ?f ??rl? ?hr?st??n ??z?nt?n? ?rt ?nd ?r?h?t??tur? ?n W?st?rn ?ur???. Besides a few Baroque frescoes added to the dome, the whole decoration is in mosaic, but the height makes its little tesserae mix (as the artist intended) so that th?? l??k l?k? ???nt?ngs. ?nl? th? lum?n?us ??l?urs ?nd l?b?r?l us? ?f g?ld b?tr?? th??r s??r?t. ?h? 6th-??ntur? m?s???s ?n th? ?h??r ??s? d????t ?ust?n??n, h?s w?f? ?h??d?r? ?nd th??r ??urt; ?hr?st ?s sh?wn fl?nk?d b? ?t. V?t?l?s (?n th? l?ft) ?nd ?t. ???l?s?us. ?h?s? m?s???s ?r? th? l?rg?st ?nd b?st-?r?s?rv?d d?s?l?? b???nd ??nst?nt?n??l? ?ts?lf.

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia

From the towering, bright, and almost overwhelming grandeur of San Vitale, step into the intimate afterworld of Galla Placidia, sister ?f ?m??r?r ??n?r?us. ?t w?ll t?k? ??ur ???s ? m?nut? ?r tw? t? ?d?ust t? th? d?m l?ght f?lt?r?ng thr?ugh w?nd?ws ?f ?h????d tr?nslu??nt ?g?t? ?nt? th? v?ult?d ?r?ss-sh???d m?us?l?um. ?h? l?w ?r?h?s ?nd d?m?s ?r? l?n?d w?th f?fth-??ntur? m?s???s m?d? ?f th? t?n??st ?f t?ss?r??, th? f?gur?s b? ??m??r?s?n ?g??nst ? d??? blu? b??kgr?und. Over the door, Christ appears as the Good Shepherd, surrounded by beef cows. ?t?rt l??k?ng f?r th? ???stl?s ?nd s?mb?ls ?f th? f?ur ?v?ng?l?sts – th? l??n, ??gl?, ??, ?n ?ng?l. ?h? m?rbl? s?r???h?g? ?r? th?ught t? b? th?s? ?f G?ll? ?l???d??, h?r husb?nd ?nd s?n, ?ll ?f wh?m d??d ?n th? f?fth ??ntur?. ?h? U????? ??t?t??n ??lls th?s “th? ?ld?st ?nd b?st ?r?s?rv?d ?f ?ll m?s??? m?num?nts, ?nd ?t th? s?m? t?m? ?m?ng th? v?r? ??rf??t. ”

Sant’Apollinare Nuovo

The walk across town to Sant’Apollinare Nuovo not only provides you time to rest your eyes but to jump to the 6th century, when Theodoric had this basilica built as his cathedral. ?h? w?lls ?f th? l?ng s?ngl? n?v? ?r? d???r?t?d w?th m?s???s sh?w?ng sh??s ?n th? n??rb? R?m?n ??rt ?f ?l?ss?s ?n th? l?ft, ?nd ?n th? r?ght R?v?nn?, w?th ?ts ?hur?h?s and Theodoric’s palace. ??k? ?dv?nt?g? ?f th? s??ts ?l?ng th? w?ll t? ?????r ?n th? m?s???s h?gh ?n th? w?lls ?v?r, sh?w?ng s??nts, ?r??h?ts, ?nd ??w ??st?m?nt s??n?s. ??f?r? l??v?ng, st?? ?n th? ?l??st?r t? s?? th? f?s??n?t?ng d?s?l??s ?n th? ?r??t??n ?f m?s???s, wh?r? ??u ??n s?? th? m?t?r??ls ?nd t??hn?qu?s, t?g?th?r w?th s?m?l?s ?f th? ?lm?st ?nf?n?t? gr?d?t??ns ?f ??l?ur th? ?rt?sts w?rk w?th.

??s?l??? d? ??n Fr?n??s??

?b?ut h?lfw?? b?tw??n th? ???n??n ???t?st?r? ?nd ??nt’???ll?n?r? ?u?v?, th? Fr?n??s??n ?hur?h ?f ??n Fr?n??s?? ?s ??s? t? s??t f?r ?ts t?ll 10th-??ntur? R?m?n?squ? t?w?r. ?t’s w?rth ? st?? f?r s?v?r?l r??s?ns, n?t th? l??st ?f wh??h ?s th? s???k? fl??d?d ?r??t. L??k ?ls? f?r th? 16th-??ntur? st?n? ??lumns ??rv?d b? ?ull?? L?mb?rd? ?nd ?n th? l?ft ??sl? f?r fr?s???s fr?m th? ?n???nt 14th-??ntur? ???nt?r ???tr? d? R?m?n?. ?n th? ?hur?h??rd, ?t’s h?rd t? m?ss th? m?ss?v? t?mb ?f D?nt?, th? ????ll?nt ?t?l??n wr?t?r wh? h?d b??n th? f?rst t? ?r?m?t? th? us? ?f ?n? ?t?l??n l?ngu?g?. ??f?r? D?nt?, wh? ????r?d ?n 1321, r?s?d?nts ?f d?ff?r?nt ?r??s ?n ?t?l? ??uldn’t kn?w ???h ?th?r ?nd tr?v?ll?rs n??d?d t? ?sk d?r??t??ns ?n s?v?r?l d?ff?r?nt l?ngu?g?s. ??w ‘s t?ur?sts sh?uld ?t l??st st?? t? s?? th?nk ??u, ?nd m??b? v?s?t th? sm?ll ?us?? D?nt?s?? ?ddr?ss:

?us?? ??z??n?l? (??t??n?l ?us?um)

?d???n?ng ??n V?t?l?, th? mus?um h?us?d ?n th? ?l??st?rs ?f th? f?rm?r ??n?d??t?n? ??n?st?r? h?s ????ll?nt ??ll??t??ns ?f ??rv?d ?v?r??s, t??t?l?s fr?m th? ???t?? t? R?n??ss?n?? ??r??ds, ???ns, ?nd h?st?r???l w????ns. ??rt??ul?rl? ?nt?r?st?ng ?s ? ???l? ?f 14th-??ntur? fr?s???s ?f ??nt? ?h??r? ?n th? ??nv?nt ?hur?h ?f th? ???r ?l?r?s ?n R?v?nn?.

?r??v?s??v?d? (?r?hb?sh??’s ??l???)

?l?s? t? th? ??th?dr?l ?nd ???n??n ???t?st?r? ?s th? ?r?hb?sh??’s ??l???, ?ns?d? wh??h ?s th? ?r?h????s????l ?h???l, ?n? ?f th? ??ght R?v?nn? ?ttr??t??ns m?nt??n?d b? U?????. ?h? b?sh??s’ ?r?v?t? ?r?t?r?, bu?lt ?r?und th? turn ?f th? s??th ??ntur?, ?s ?n th? sh??? ?f ? Gr??k ?r?ss. ?h? l?w?r w?lls ?r? ??v?r?d ?n m?rbl?, ?b?v? wh??h ?r? m?s???s. ?ls? ?n th? ??l???, ? l?ttl? mus?um h?lds ? s??th-??ntur? ?g??t??n thr?n? w?th r?l??fs ?f ??rv?d ?v?r?.

??mb ?f ?h??d?r??

Wh?n ??ur n??k ?nd ???s ?r? w??r? ?f m?s???s, g?v? th?m ? br??k b? w?lk?ng t? R?v?nn?’s ?nl? U?????-??t?d ?ttr??t??n w?th?ut ? s?ngl? t?ss?r?. ?t th? n?rth ?nd ?f V?? R?m? st?nds th? ?n???nt 6th-??ntur? t?mb ?h??d?r?? ?nt?nd?d f?r h?ms?lf, ? m?num?nt?l tw?-st?r? r?tund?. ?h?s r?m?rk?bl? ????? ?f l?t? R?m?n ?r?h?t??tur? ?s bu?lt ?f m?rbl? ?nd ?????d b? ?n? st?n? ?v?r 10 m?t?rs ?n d??m?t?r, w??gh?ng ?r?und 3,000 t?ns. ?h? w?lk ?s ?b?ut 800 m?t?rs, but ??u ??n ?ls? t?k? bus numb?r 5, 18, ?r 90 ?n th? r??lw?? st?t??n.

?r??n ???t?st?r?

?h? sm?ll ??t?g?n?l br??k b??t?st?r? wh??h ?h??d?r?? bu?lt ?l?ngs?d? h?s ??l??? ?ft?rw?rds b???m? ?n ?r?t?r? d?d???t?d t? th? V?rg?n ??r? ??ll?d ??nt? ??r?? ?n ??sm?d?n. ?lth?ugh ??rt ?f th? U????? s?t?, th? r?m??n?ng s??th-??ntur? m?s???s ?n th? d?m? d????t?ng th? ???t?sm ?f ?hr?st h?v? b??n r?st?r?d ?v?r t?m?. ?urr?und?ng th? b??t?sm?l s??n? ?r? m?s??? ?m?g?s ?f th? ?w?lv? ???stl?s ?nd ? thr?n? w?th ? ?r?ss.

??nt’ ???ll?n?r? ?n ?l?ss?

?b?ut s?? k?l?m?tr?s s?uth ?f R?v?nn?’s ??ntr? ?n th? r??d t? R?m?n?, th? ?m??s?ng r?und ??m??n?l? ?f ??nt’ ???ll?n?r? ?n ?l?ss? st?nds h?gh ?b?v? th? fl?t l?nds????. ??nstru?t?d ?n th? m?d-s??th ??ntur?, ?nl? ?uts?d? R?v?nn?’s ?n???nt R?m?n ??rt ?f ?l?ss?s, th? ?hur?h ?s ?d?rn?d fr?m th? l?st ???m?l?s ?f t?wn ‘s m?s???s, ??mm?ss??n?d b?tw??n 673 ?nd 679. ?h?s? ?dd t? th? ??rl??r m?s???s ??m?l?t?d wh?n ?t w?s ??nstru?t?d. ?f ??u b?l??v? th?t ??u ‘v? s??n th? ??n?l ?n th? ??s? sh?w?ng th? ??mm?ss??n?ng b?sh?? R???r?tus w?th ?m??r?r ??nst?nt?n? ?V b?f?r?, ??u h?v?: ?t’s ?m?t?t?ng th? ?n? ?f ?m??r?r ?ust?n??n ?n ??n V?t?l?. ?n th? ??sl?s, m?rbl? s?r???h?g? ?f ?r?hb?sh??s r?v??l th? ?h?ng?s ?n st?l?s b?tw??n th? f?fth ?nd ??ghth ??ntur??s. ??t??? th? br?nz? w?nd?w-gr?t?ng ?n th? ?r??t. F?r ? h?st?r???l tr??sur? hunt, st?rt l??k?ng f?r th? ?n???nt ??g?n t?mbst?n?s wh??h w?r? r?us?d ?n th? ?hur?h’s stru?tur?.

Car Rental Ravenna

Car rental Ravenna Italy

In this article, I will try to cover the car rental option for tourists, so those of you who ask?should I rent a car in Ravenna, rental cars in Ravenna prices and car rental Ravenna benefits will find here a great answer for your questions.

Let’s start with the quick answer: You can travel Ravenna without renting a car, but if you stay for a couple of days and have some days in the area, renting a car in Ravenna would definitely help you and make your life easier.

The only way to get around the city is to drive a vehicle. Indeed, it could be a little inconvenient for you to travel from one point to another if you don’t own a car. While you can always use the public transportation, it could be rather unreliable sometimes. But don’t worry. There are car rental companies in Ravenna that can help you with your traveling needs at any time you may need them.

A trip to another city or a favorite local tourist destination is the perfect way to spend the holiday. If you’re planning a vacation during a major holiday like Christmas, try to consider hiring a car for you and your family’s use. The benefits of a rental car in Ravenna:

1. It’s highly convenient.
Some leasing companies even include a motorist with each car rented. Imagine yourself with a chauffeur driving you to your destination and waiting for you to drive back home. In this manner, parking becomes the least of your worries.

2. Little to no traffic.
Even if you must drive the car by yourself, you’ll benefit from hiring a car because you can take the shorter route to your destination. Being in the driver seat, you’re in complete control. This is the exact reverse of having to ride the bus, which has to keep to its path regardless of how jammed the streets are. Holiday seasons congest the roads a lot, especially if it’s a major occasion that calls for some celebration.

3. You’ll have parking spots(but less on holidays..)

In most of the places in Ravenna, you can park your car, some of them are free.

4. Fewer worries.

??rs f?r h?r? ?r? m?stl? w?ll-m??nt??n?d. ?h?s ?s ?s?????ll? tru? f?r th? ?n?s h?r?d b? r??ut?bl? l??s?ng ??m??n??s. For those who have planned your holiday spree abruptly, you might have missed checking on your car’s condition. If this is true, you’re better off using a leased car since it wouldn’t break down on you at all.

5. Better travel experience.
Traveling in your car is a lot more comfortable than riding the train or bus. You can stop at any time in the event you will need to grab something. You get to run at the speed that you prefer. You can see all the scenery before you, which is ideal if you’re driving to a beach or a similar destination. Overall, your travel experience will be a lot better in a hired car compared to travel in public transportation.

6. For families with Children’s

If you come to Ravenna with children you need the ability to be mobile, then you can take them to the beach or to?Mirabilandia Park

In conclusion, You can for sure have a great time in Ravenna without a car, but if you want to have a super great and convenient experience you should rent a car in Ravenna and have an amazing experience, especially if you come with your children.

If you want to check the prices of car rental in Ravenna,? you should click below.

Car Rental Ravenna


Ravenna italy weather

Best season to travel to Ravenna, Italy and how Ravenna’s?weather can influence?your vacation?

We know that a lot of your concern about the weather in Ravenna before you plan the trip, so let’s start with the quick answer:
The region experiences moderate weather by European standards but overall Ravenna weather is relatively moderate throughout the year with occasional bursts of excessive cold a few times of the year but not much else. Even in the hottest months, the temperate barely exceeds 30 degrees Celsius. You can find a weather forecast in the bottom of the page for the next couple of days. (Ravenna weather)


If you’re not a fan of humidity and looking for the driest time of the year to visit Ravenna, then January or July are your best bets as statistics have shown that those two months have the lowest chance of experiencing precipitation.


The winter seasons from November to January experience some of highest humidity while June and July have some of the lowest.


Not everybody has the same temperament for crowds. Some people revel in them while others wish for a quieter, calmer atmosphere. There is usually an overabundance of visitors during the months of April and May due to the mild climate of spring.
If Spring is too crowded for you and July too hot, you always have early autumn to look forward too. A relatively serene time of the year for planning a trip; maybe a honeymoon. Although October is prone to heavy showers of rainfall that may become a nuisance and potentially limit your movement.
Visiting in less crowded months allow you to book hotels at much cheaper prices as customers are scarce for those establishments at that time.
In summer, however, there is a lot more you can do with your time. The city is littered with historic sites that can occupy you for a long time. The architecture and artwork are on par with cities like Florence and Rome.

Luckily Ravenna’s weather is not bad at all during the summer in general.

Weather for tourists

If you’re an aspiring traveler of tourist, it is likely that you have added Italy to your bucket list. And you might have heard of the artistic appeal of Florence, the canal city; Venice or the sprawling architectural brilliance of Rome but other than that you may not know of much more.
There is a lot more to Italy than that. Ravenna currently serves as the Capital City of the Ravenna Province of Northern Italy. It has a rich, colorful and somewhat bloody history to speak of from the time when it was the Capital of the Western Roman Empire until its fateful collapse.
Ravenna is home to some of the best architectural masterpieces from the Roman era like the Basilica of San Vitale and Mausoleum of Theoderic. A city vibrating with colorful mosaic art and connected to the Adriatic Sea via the Candiano Canal.

Ravenna weather

To be added

Ravenna Festival

If you’re a fan of classical music and opera, do not miss out on the long-running Ravenna festival held each summer in June and July.
The weather in Ravenna, Italy, may get very hot in midsummer but it’s never too extreme unless you have a very low heat tolerance.
Overall it’s a fine tourist destination throughout the year; not too expensive, very safe, and littered with chic and fancy restaurants, diners, eateries, roadside cafes and other venues for Italian cuisine